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Fernando's Magic

Wednesday, July 12, 2006

A Striking Resemblance

One pillar is formed of dense molecular gas and dust, it and towers more than six trillion miles, reaching into the farthest boundaries of our universe. The other pillar is composed of a hard metamorphic rock called the "Catalina gneiss," a form of granite that is found only in this Arizona mountain range. Yet, the recognizable shape of an eagle with it's wings folded can be seen in each naturally formed structure.
Nestled in the Catalina foothills northeast of Tucson, is the desert oasis of Sabino Canyon, an unexpected gem, carved by the forces of geology and filled with biological diversity. Swift streams, deep still pools, an extravagant assortment of plant life, curiously colored cliffs silhouetted by pinecovered ridges - such a pristine wilderness area is rarely found so close to a major city.
Sabino Canyon was destined to become a place regarded with respect by people around the world. But, it was not due to its natural beauty that it received such honor, but because it was the site to which God directed His prophet on several occasions, and then met with him there.

One meeting occurred on September 22, 1965. (A complete account of his experience is related in the message "On The Wings Of A Dove," 65-1128e) It was the third time in as many days that the Spirit had led Brother Branham to the canyon, where for several hours he hiked along the game trails that criss-crossed the rocky slopes of Sabino. Towards noontime, a large rock just off the path attracted his attention, and he was urged by the Spirit to stop there and pray, which he did. Leaning forward, with his chest and hands pressed against the rock and his eyes raised to Heaven, he was in prayer when he heard a Voice, which seemed to come from the rocky formation above him. 'What are you leaning against, over your heart?" the Voice questioned.
Brother Branham looked down, and there, written in white quartz against the gray stone, was the word Eagle - confirming for the prophet a vision he'd had concerning his ministry.
The next day he returned to the rock again, this time with his camera. He photographed the word Eagle in the stone. He also photographed the rugged side of the cliff above him, from which direction the Voice had spoken. (See lower photo, above.)
This striking formation - a watching eagle, with folded wings - still stands guard over the site. A witness, a memorial, and now a testimony in Heaven and on earth of an end time Eagle Message that is giving birth to morning stars that will shine on for Eternity


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